Everything You Need to Know About Operation Blessing: Food and Home Assistance

Everything You Need to Know About Operation Blessing: Food and Home Assistance

(DailyThrive.com) – A warm home and a hot meal can be easy to take for granted. Sometimes not having those basic needs met can cripple a household. Operation Blessing (OB) is a global entity that partners with local organizations to help during trying times. Medical care, transportation, food and housing assistance are available to people who need it.

The 700 Club explains how Operation Blessing assists those in need here:

When times are tough, getting a little help shouldn’t be a huge hassle. Here is what you need to know about Operation Blessing.

  • One donation goes a long way. From donations, local agencies are able to help people based on need. They provide clean water and help restock empty shelves with food and basic necessities.
  • When disaster strikes. Tornadoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters can displace those already struggling. Volunteers are quickly dispersed to help where needed.
  • Temporary housing help. OB finds safe places for displaced people to stay. The group also assists with finding permanent, efficient homes.

OB targets areas that are impoverished or unable to rebuild after a disaster. Donating your time can help relieve others of their burdens and get them back on track for a better life.

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