5 Most Costly Energy Wasting Home Habits

5 Most Costly Energy Wasting Home Habits

(DailyThrive.com) – Changes in temperatures outside mean that furnaces and electrical systems are working harder. There’s no denying their usefulness in keeping us warm, but the resulting utility bill isn’t quite as comfortable and cozy to look at. In fact, it often smacks homeowners right in the face with a big reality check.

But don’t start militantly monitoring the thermostat just yet. Reduction Revolution has a few helpful tips to save on your energy bill this winter and year round.

These tips can help you spot energy wasters and curb overall usage, but it can also be useful to break routine habits and take a little initiative to cut costs.

The Top 5 Energy Wasters

  • Having drafty windows and doors. Hold your hand by your window. Is there a breeze or condensation buildup near windows and doors? These are signs that your home is not as energy efficient as it should be. Seal gaps with spray foam insulation and replace rotted windows and doors. This will improve energy efficiency, making your home more cozy and airtight.
  • Not unplugging electronics when not in use. Electronics that are still plugged into the wall can drain a decent amount of energy, even when they’re turned off. Stop the cycle by unplugging things like your TV or video game console out of the wall.
  • Using older appliances. Appliances that are over a few years old drain energy and cause water and electric bills to skyrocket. Upgrade to appliances that carry the Energy Star logo to reap the benefits of a lower utility bill.
  • Running too much water. Upgrade shower heads to implement a low water flow. This helps reduce water usage overall. Wash clothes on a cold water setting and don’t overindulge with shower time.
  • Leaving lights on 24/7. Find yourself constantly finding lights on when you get home from work. Installing a smart hub system allows you to gain control of your energy usage. That means no more lights or TVs being accidentally left on all day.

Having a beautiful home is one thing, but you also want to be comfortable without breaking the bank. From updating outdated appliances to curbing back on water usage, there are many ways to break free from excessive energy draining. Get your home back on track with these energy-saving tips.

~Here’s to Your Success!

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